Showing troubles
SlytherinQueens [Basic || 6 posts] on 8/21/2023 10:21 pm
I keep going to put my horses into shows and weither they say any tier 90% will show for one level but be unable to enter because "horse is not assigned a show tier". How do I fix this?
Could you link one for example?
Are you sure they have the the Discipline path checked off? It's where your editing is on your horses page - you'll want the horse have have that check marked a discipline assigned, plus don't forget to save of course!
Edited 1 times
Im not sure how to link? It's also just a pop up that apears when I click register after selecting a horse for the show. Odly enough it gives me the option to add them to compete. Just finished checking every hours and they all have all 4 of the checkboxes marked off including discipline and have at the very least a primary event.
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