Unable to progress through quests

Emily Yelton [Basic || 2 posts] on 8/19/2023 9:13 am

So I finished the quest involving the ingots and now, no more have popped up in the quest tab? Am I missing something? Just new to this whole set up 

Oaken Fields

Post Count: 91

8/19/2023 10:21 am

I believe that's the end of the quests for now.

We'll be getting more soon enough.

Here's a list of all the Quests to date:

First Encounter

Aren Who?

Bildmore Trust

Rescue Us

Get the Info

Heated Competition


Realizing Life pt. 1

Who Dun it? pt. 1

All the Money in the World

Talk to Me

Valuable Resources


--Maybe I missed something when I went on hiatus, but those are the ones that I have. 😂 And I don't have any more quests yet to do.


Post Count: 247

8/19/2023 10:35 am

Adding on; if you are level 5 and at 550/600, you are completely done with the quests for the time being.



Emily Yelton

Post Count: 2

8/19/2023 11:43 am

Ah ok. Thank you for telling me!

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