Training Manual button - where is it??

emferno [Basic || 102 posts] on 8/16/2023 11:03 pm

Where do I find the training manual button? I purchased it a while ago but dont know where to find it


Post Count: 72

8/24/2023 9:19 am

For upgraded accounts with a training center you go to Estate -> Training Center and there will be a list of horses available to train with a green Train button

For non-upgraded accounts I think you can use it by going to Town -> Community Training then select a training center. A list of the horses available to train at that center should show along with the green Train button. I haven't used it this way since I upgraded but I think that's how it works.



Post Count: 102

8/24/2023 12:53 pm

Omg thank you so much!!! I seriously would've never found it without your help 😭❤️

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