Sort by Boarding Type?

Katona [Basic || 49 posts] on 8/08/2023 10:29 am

Is there a way to sort horses by boarded externally vs. at home stable? Trying to move anything I have boarded, but hoping I don't need to go through all 1200 of them.

Breeding Tobiano Dutch Warmbloods | Campaigning for Georgian Grandes

Roze Moderator

Post Count: 284

8/08/2023 11:08 am

You can see what horses are boarded outside your stable in Herd Management (Horses > Manage) under the Overview tab. They will have a green check mark under the "Boarded" header if they're boarded outside your home stable. However, after the latest rebuild of Herd Management it no longer sorts so you'll have to go through it page by page. (but still better than horse by horse at least?)


Post Count: 49

8/08/2023 12:14 pm

Thanks @Roze, that does help. Any idea if sorting will come back? 

Breeding Tobiano Dutch Warmbloods | Campaigning for Georgian Grandes

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