gene testing question

Oaken Fields [Basic || 91 posts] on 8/02/2023 7:46 pm

Just returned after about 10 month hiatus.

I just bred two of my percherons. I'm trying to gene test the foal. But it's not showing up in the dropdown menu? Am I missing something? Do I have to name the foal?


*Feeling Really Rusty*


Forgot to link the foal. XD


Post Count: 18

8/02/2023 7:54 pm

Hey there! It looks like your filly isn't boarded at a boarding center - it needs to be boarded either in a boarding center or at home in order to do any gene tests, care for or train it. Hope this helps! ^^

Oaken Fields

Post Count: 91

8/02/2023 8:12 pm

*smacks head*

Yes! That's right.


BOY am I rusty! 😑


Thank you!

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