Horse Eden Eventing!

Chance [Basic || 1 posts] on 8/01/2023 2:07 pm

I have been playing HEE for quite a while. Mostly just goofing around colour breeding but I have recently gotten really into trying to show and what not. It would be super cool to add some of you guys as friends! If you've never heard of Horse Eden Eventing let me introduce you.


Horse Eden is focused on Eventing, It is free to play (with some buyable upgrades). The community is amazing, helpful and supportive. It is much like Horse Fable the only difference is there are fewer breeds: Anglo Arab, Warmblood, Registered Irish Draught, Irish Sport Horse, Sport Horse, Sport Pony, Appendix Quarter Horse and Knabstrupper. There are things to do aside from showing (which can feel a bit tedious.) You can grow crops or hay, play mini games, join clubs or a roleplay and there are endless forms and topics.


If this interests you and want to join or you already play don't be afraid to friend me! My stable name is Chance Stable.

I didn't mean to make this sound like an advertisment lol but I hope I added all the info 

below I added a link if would like to sign up.

Horse Eden Eventing


Post Count: 996

8/01/2023 3:04 pm

I am usually on it and off it for some time haha 


Post Count: 5

2/04/2024 10:37 pm

Jumping on here to add, I've played HEE for almost 14 real life years. You could say I love it LOL y'all can find me over there at #6163.


Post Count: 145

2/05/2024 1:44 am

Looks interesting. Thank you for sharing!  How do you friend other stables? I found yours but I am overlooking the friends button. Probably just my tired eyes, lol.



Payton Stryker

Post Count: 4

2/28/2025 5:55 pm

I'm on HEE all the time as well.  You can find my main stable as Hawkeye Farms.  Been playing since year 18 of that game.  Love it, and always enjoy seeing what I can breed there.

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