
Taur Lobor [Basic || 4 posts] on 8/01/2023 10:35 am

Hi! Today I've seen two horses whose coats has "calico" word. For example Dunalino Calico Tobiano.

What calico is? Can calico parents produce calico foals, or it's absolutely random? On what coats calico can appear(I mean flaxen is visible only on chestnut coats, and calico is visible...)?



Post Count: 18

8/01/2023 2:51 pm

Calico appears on cream+tobiano coats, so smoky black tobiano, buckskin tobiano, palomino tobiano and variants of those. Calico is just a mutation of the coat that leaves darker patches. I also believe that calico is random and can't be actively bred for. 

Taur Lobor

Post Count: 4

8/02/2023 2:06 am

Thank you!

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