Kueenys Buying Gems, Dyes, Treats
Kueeny [Gold || 107 posts] on 7/29/2023 12:38 am
I am looking to BUY these items.
You can set a trade with any that you want to sell. Will update here if I'm no longer auto accepting.
Please do not ask, just go ahead and set up the trade :)
You can request ingots as payment while 1 ingot=500 bits
If you are having trouble purchasing or selling ingots, message me as I can usually help. 500bits for 1ingot is the average price.
Gems - Paying 2,000 bits each
Treats - Paying 2,000 bits each
- Clover 1,000 each
- Molasses 4,000 each
All SSeasonal dyes EXCEPT Summer (Bubble Gum, Teal, Sunburst, Electric Purple, Sky Blue)
- 2,000 bits each or will trade Summer Dyes for them
Will trade Lassos for Whistles.
Open to price suggestions.
Dyes I DO NOT want
Astral- QH, Andie, ID, Paint
Alpina- Morgan, Arabian
Oak- Lp Cob, Chinc(splash
Helen- IC, Arab, Morgan, Perch, App, Shetland
Helen2- TB, Knab, Mustang, Marwari, Paso
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I'll take your Labradorite. :) And I'd love any Wild QHs please!
Actually fully updated now :) Message me to make a deal! Open to offers!
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New prices!
Any whistles left?
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Literally bumping this 90% to sell summer Dyes for 8k each or trade for mint/dandelion
Can you please private message me price on chinco?
Now buying explore items!
Hello! I have some gems Iโd be willing to sell if your interested! One amethyst, one apatite, one blue sapphire, one garnet, one labradorite, one quartz, and one ruby!
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