BS 3Excellent 3Good horse displays 0 Stars. Why?

Koala Blue Estate [Platinum || 24 posts] on 7/28/2023 5:51 pm

I'm unable to enter Atom into any Halter shows due to the fact he does not have any stars. I would except at least 3. Am I missing something or is this a glitch?

AtomSJ 3E3G



Post Count: 12

7/28/2023 6:14 pm

To see his stars, he needs to be added to the Marwari registry. You can find it under Town, Breed Registries.

Koala Blue Estate

Post Count: 24

7/28/2023 6:34 pm

How did I forget that step!!! Reminder to self.... Get a morning coffee, wake up... THEN work on HoFa. :) Thanks Malia


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