ISO Grade Leopard, Snowcap or Blanket Thoroughbreds and Andalusians - paying up to 50k per horse!
emferno [Basic || 94 posts] on 7/28/2023 12:24 am
Hi all! As the title says, I'm looking to buy grade Thoroughbreds and Andalusians with leopard, blanket, or snowcap patterns. Willing to pay any price up to $50,000. Yeah, I'm desperate.
I don't care about age, BS, TB, PS, level, or anything like that. ONLY requirement is NO sterile mares or geldings! I need these horses for my breeding program. If the horse is worth more (very high level, TB, PS, etc.) I'm willing to pay more!
PLEASE message me if you have any you're even considering selling!
Again, I'm willing to pay VERY well. I'm happy to pay bits, trade for horses in my sales pen (on this account or my alt, emferno 2), or figure out some kind of other deal! (I have minerals, dyes, I can get you straws/eggs/direct breedings to my horses... seriously, just message me and we can figure something out)
I also have a trade set up here:
Don't know if you've seen these yet.
These'll get you halfway there (they don't belong to me):
With the Lp gene, you'll have varnish. Then you'll only need to try to find one of the patterns. Currently there are no patterns for sale (and none for sale/stud for andalusian leopard).
Oh thank you!!! I... am still very confused by genes ๐ Good to know!!
I found an at-stud and a for-sale
Stud is another Lp.
But the for-sale is a patn1.
Pair an Lp with either a Patn1 OR a Patn2 and you'll get spots of some sort.
So, if you purchased either the filly or the mare from earlier, you'll have the ingredients necessary to produce a leopard coat. (Leopard coat pairing possible with the sale horse)
Oh thank you so much!!! At this point I have no clue if I'll ever understand genes haha
Genes aren't too hard to understand, as long as you remember, 'one from sire, one from dame'.
The leopard complex gene is 'complex' because it takes more than one to actually do much at all. Lp, the gene itself is the switch. If you don't have at least one, like Lplp (Lp is one gene, whereas lp is absent), you won't see anything at all. Like turning a light on in a dark room. So if you don't have the Lp switch, then the room stays dark.
If you can pair the Lp with one type of Patn, which is 'pattern' them you have Leopard and Pattern. So you've switched the light on in a dark room and there's a pattern in the room.
There are two types of Patn genes. Type 1 and Type 2, so you have pattern 1 or pattern 2. In real life, any pattern 1 or Patn1 overrules any pattern 2 or Patn2 genes. But it appears on this game, that it's the opposite. Anyway, pattern 1 (Patn1) is the 'full body' pattern. That's not the reality of it, but to keep things easy, it's okay to think of it this way. Pattern 2 (Patn2) is the blanket gene, it's most often identifiable as a horse with spots over their hips and nowhere else on their body.
So, you need the room switch (Lplp or LpLp) and a pattern (type 1 or 2) you have one of each of these and you'll get spots.
Is that a little easier to understand?
Whoa yeah that actually makes... a lot of sense ๐ซฃ Thank you so much for taking the time to explain!!!
Anytime! ๐
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