Unable to Enter Horse in Second Discipline

Adrieveiga [Basic || 18 posts] on 7/27/2023 1:28 am

I tried to enter my horse through Shows Arena. I could enter him in cross country perfectly fine.
However, the moment I try to enter him in any flat-racing shows, it immediately gives me a red alert saying "That horse is not assigned to a show tier!" even though both the dropdown menu and his profile show that he's clearly tier 1.

It sucks because no shows appear on his profile at the moment, and there's only so many cross country shows at the moment, so I can't enter him in any other shows right now. Is this a bug or am I just having a brainfart at the moment? lol


Post Count: 549

7/27/2023 9:35 am

That used to happen to me forever ago. I didnt know it was still a but since I dont enter in second disciplines ever

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