Energy Potions for Players and Horses
Astral [Platinum || 202 posts] on 7/24/2023 9:50 pm
It would be super cool if we found potions that could give energy back to Players (rather than waiting in-game time) or horses (instead of waiting for roll-over). They could be found in Explore or the Mine, and could be purchased for Ingots for those that wanted them. Just a thought, as I sit here waiting for energy to come back so I can keep playing longer! :)
Mmm its a no for me. Player energy regenerates pretty quickly and I dont believe horses should have any way to get more energy either.
Support for Player energy and semi support for horse energy. The horse engery needs to have some kind of regulation on it so that they aren't overshown and gain crazy amounts of points.
Or perhaps premium players could get energy regenerated faster.
A hard no from me for horse energy because managing their energy each day is part of the game strategy. If you want more horse energy for exploring you can buy cheap horses from the rescue to use for just exploring. Allowing a form of energy regeneration for horses could lead to a crazy inflation in horse levels, especially since shows run more often now.
I'm a soft no for player energy...I also think it regenerates at a reasonable rate as it is and don't think energy boosting items would benefit the game economy. But maybe there could be a random event in explore that gives a small boost, something like "you stopped to smell the flowers and gained +10% energy".
I mean, maybe. Player regen is good, just leave it for 10 min and your full- horses.. maybe for new players. What if we'd give new players some regen potions for horses?
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