ISO: White Flower Pads, English Gingerbread saddles & bridles, and burnt leaf & grey dyes

Czarina [Bronze || 10 posts] on 7/21/2023 10:48 am

Hi all!

I'm looking to buy ~30 each of:

- White Flower Pads (currently have: 5/30)

- English Gingerbread Saddles (currently have: 0/30)

- English Gingerbread Bridles (currently have: 0/30)

- Burnt Leaf dye (currently have: 0/30)

- Grey dye (currently have: 0/30)

Please let me know what you have and what you're asking for it! Thanks so much!!


Post Count: 6

10/31/2023 9:37 am

I have one or two burnt leaf dye. Open to offers. PM me if you are interested :) 

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