Herd Management
MidDee [Platinum || 24 posts] on 7/13/2023 1:10 am
Bring back sorting by breed in the breeding tab! It is so hard to look up horses and try to match them or just do an overall glance at anything now.
Pretty much, since that feature got removed, the breeding tab is really not all the usefull. Having to sort through a couple hundred horses to find the one's you want is beyond irritating. Faster to look at the horses page now.
I am not sure what you mean? Like you go to breeding under your horses? Because you can still sort by breed if you click breed at the top. It sorts them alphabetically.
They mean under Herd Management's Breeding tab, there used to be a way to sort by breed to more easily find horses. With the rework, that feature is now gone and there is no way to filter horses any way under the Breeding tab.
You had an input box and could type in names or breeds or colours as well at one point. I want that back badly!
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