Estate Overview Expeneses
BlazeQuakes [Basic || 6 posts] on 7/10/2023 7:26 am
I'd like to know the previous days transactions of Discipline Shows and Halter Shows as well as the over all total in the overview so i know even easier if i'm breaking even or giving myself profits it could go like
Previous Day
Discipline Shows
Expenses -$200
Profits +$300
Overall Profits = +$300
Isn't that what the bank is for, sort of? I don't run my horses in Halters but I do for disciplines.
My Estate tab itself shows I'm in the negative from entering discipline shows and total is negative as well, it's rather been this way since the shows being ran multiple times update and I now use Enter All. Whereas my bank View Transactions, shows my Entry fees of all those that I have entered and then Show Winnings, along with Show fees if I ever have any. I find it heavily easier to just rely on my bank View Transactions point than Estate tab itself but personally that is just me.
The transaction list doesn't even have that option either you'd have to do it it manually, if they updated the transaction list with a profits calculator I'd be happy just don't wanna have to sift through and find what I'm looking for to do the calculations manually it's a lot of info
Eh its a no for me. Its pretty straight forward to see for example what I spent on shows and what I earned and doing grade school math. Like I spent 20,820 and earned back 36975. Thats a 16,155 profit. Took me less than a minute to look at that. Everything is right there and color coded.
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