Tack, Dyes, Gems for Sale
FluffyHedgehog [Basic || 1 posts] on 7/07/2023 1:35 pm
Currently have the following for sale:
- Black Bridle (2/2)
- Black Saddle (1/2) and (2/2)
- Brown Bridle (2/2)
- Brown Saddle (2/2)
- Light Tan Bridle (1/2) and (2/2)
- Light Tan Saddle (1/2)
- Blue Saddle Pad (2/2)
- Apatite
- Saphire
- Emerald
- Labradorite
- Garnet
- Quartz
- Ruby
- Yellow
- Sunburn
- Bubblegum
- Yellow Hat Belt
- Orange Hat Belt
Let me know if you are interested. I am looking for roughly 6000 bits for hat belts, 2000 bits for the gems, 150 for saddles, 75 for bridles, 25 for saddle pads.
Open to negotiation.
I also take ISO requests; Example: Someone wants a brown saddle, requests an ISO from me, they are notified when I have found/acquired one and we have a private trade.
- First come first serve and an agreed price upon contract start.
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