
SlytherinQueens [Basic || 6 posts] on 7/01/2023 10:23 pm

I have heard that there is the option to sort your horses through tabs which sounds great but can't seem to find where I can create them.



Haku Akamaru

Post Count: 4

7/02/2023 12:20 am

Hi they are in the estate manage page ❤️


Post Count: 247

7/02/2023 6:10 am

Estate: Manage: Create Tabs. 




Please do note you have to order them with a number first to be able to also freeze the tab if you wish to do so. Freezing the tab basically freezes your horses from ageing etc but your other horses that are not frozen aren't affected it by it. Case in point with me, I got some tabs frozen while I focus on other tabs I have rolling.



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