Heart4horses [Basic || 1 posts] on 6/30/2023 11:09 am
Hi! I'm new and I don't know how to upgrade my estate or earn money
Hi ! You can upgrade your estate by clicking the Ingots value next to your Cash on Hand($/bits). From there you can buy ingots or subscribe to upgrade your account. If you don't want to pay real money to upgrade your account, you can save your Bits and then buy Ingots from other players in the marketplace.
To earn money, buy as many cheap horses as you can either in the rescue or from other players. Then set their career to Model horse. Then go to Estate> Career Center, and send them to work. There is no entry fee unlike disipline shows. Also be sure to create your daily shows. You get money when other players enter your shows. Enter your own horses in your shows, you'll get a portion of your entry back.
Go to Explore whenever you have enough energy, you can find free items in the scrap yard. And the dark horse mine has Gems, pure cash, and a rare chance to find ingots. You can sell gems and ingots to other players in the marketplace.
If you are really in a pinch, you can play Higher or Lower in the games room.
Where can I find the games room?
Helena Malfoy!!
click on the Town tab and you'll see it on the map and at the bottom as well c:

I don't see it. Is there another way to make money. Like, where can I find the money game where you have to guess the number?
Helena Malfoy!!
yes that's what i'm talking about,

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