Color Question

LadyLilith [Basic || 5 posts] on 6/29/2023 11:28 pm

I have an Andalusian mare that  is now 4 years old with Fleabitten Grey coat color. When I got her from Foundation she was a Greying Black. I'm just making sure that I'm not going crazy and that the game does allow color changes with age on certain coats. If it does, I also have a Greying Red Chestnut stallion, so I'm curious to know if his coat color will also change as he ages.

Appreciate the help! 






Post Count: 139

6/29/2023 11:34 pm

So with grey they will have a coat change through their years! 

We have a wiki on this specifically: Grey | Horse Fable Wiki


Post Count: 5

7/30/2023 4:12 am

This post can be closed. My question was answered and I now understand the coloring better! Thanks.


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