Breeding Variance

missy7698 [Basic || 1 posts] on 6/29/2023 8:18 pm

Hello, can someone explain the Breeding Variance (BV) numbers to me? I set my Marwari breeding standands and now I have numbers in the BV colum in Herd Mangement that don't make a whole lot of sense to me. I can't really find anything on wiki about it. 

Thank you so much for reading, I have a strong feeling I'm over thinking this. 


Post Count: 97

6/29/2023 9:18 pm

Breeding Variance or Breed Standards are how "perfect" your horse is for their breed, with a lower number being better (0 being "perfect" and 100 being "the worst").  A lower BV can help your horse do better in Halter shows and is what determines how many stars they have when registered. The wiki page for it explains how to calculate the perfect BS for a breed, but it is a bit confusing, so some players compare privately with each other to make sure they've gotten it correct. One wrong number can throw the whole calculation off.

Edited 1 times

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