Best way to catch wild horses?

Esquire [Platinum || 18 posts] on 6/24/2023 9:18 pm

Can anyone share with me how they successfully catch wild horses? Is there any specific order you do things? Like pet>treat>lasso? I feel like the always run away from me when I try :(


Post Count: 548

6/24/2023 9:55 pm

There isnt really an exact way to do it unfortunately. Some things work sometimes for some horses and not for others. They are all different. I would try to go for the happier (green) horses more than the angry (red) ones. Keep stock of some treats and keep trying. Good luck


Post Count: 247

6/25/2023 12:25 am

Branching off of Maki, I prefer Green/Yellow the icon behind a head and about middle ish and down wild essence, which is the bar on the left. 


I do have my own notes going and even going off what I have done in the past, doesn't always work. For example, a horse might like a certain kind of sweet treat and if I try to give them the same exact sweet treat, they run off. I've had Maki tell me she has gotten some wilds that liked being pet and eventually came to her. There really is no set formula but have bunch of treats saved up along with lassos and whistles too.



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