June Development Update: Herd Management, Show Changes & More!

6/23/2023 12:51 pm

We’ve taken care of some long overdue items in this news post including changing the frequency of both discipline and halter shows, rebuilding herd management, adding in tutorial and inactivity emails, a free trial, and so much more!! Check it all out now. 



  • Explore 2.0 reveal
  • Summer sale
  • Show changes
  • Herd management
  • New emails
  • Free Bronze trial
  • Personal notes
  • New community poll
  • Small tweaks
  • Bug squashes
  • Open position

πŸ—ΊοΈ Explore 2.0 Reveal

Did you happen to miss our livestream where we revealed what we’ve been working on with Explore 2.0? We recorded it and uploaded it to our social media accounts. You can watch it on our Youtube channel here:


Next week, we will announce the release date for explore. Stay tuned!

πŸ”– Summer Sale

Recently, we have been spending a bit more than usual to cover art and BreyerFest merch costs. To help replenish our bank account so we can continue art and development updates, we are having our summer sale! 100% of sale profits go back into the game to help pay our artists, development costs, and the server. Today until July 3rd at 11:59 PM EST/Game time ingot bundles are on sale for up to 35% off! Also during the sale, spectral and magic tokens have been added to the General Store for purchase.

⭐ Show Changes

As mentioned in the last news post, we are putting in some show changes today.

  • Halter shows will run at midnight rollover if they have at least one entry. Payout and horse point earnings will be adjusted for smaller shows, and shows with fewer than 7 entrants will have their horse point and halter point earnings scaled to the size of the show. Fewer entrants = fewer payout rewards. Halter shows will only run if they are at least 24 hours old.
  • Discipline shows will run every 6  hours at 1AM, 7AM, 1PM, and 7PM. This is to help reduce lag at our current roll over, break up shows to (ideally) have fewer entrants and increase the potential for more top placements for more horses. All player-made shows will run at the next rollover after 24 hours have passed and are looking for any shows created for the show creation limit instead of those running in 2 days.

These changes go live today at 1 pm EST/Game time!

🐎 Herd Management

We’re excited to announce that Herd Management has had a complete overhaul in the backend code! This has been very needed for a long time and should help those with larger herds.

Some changes:

  • Each tab now loads as a new page. This helps limit the data being pulled to keep both the page and the game running efficiently. 
  • In the Performance, Halter, and Career tabs, only horses with disciplines, registries/club registrations, and careers will show up.
  • All tabs are now paginated.
  • There is now a new tab labeled Campaigns. This tab will help keep track of any crossbreed horses currently entered into a crossbreed campaign along with their generation. 
  • Foal training is now specified as out of 7 steps. When all 7 steps are completed, a checkmark shows.
  • Care is now paginated so if you change pages, it will reset the total. However, caring for all horses is now faster than ever. If you feed, water, or groom all horses, it also removes the option to select/unselect each horse individually.
  • A new export CSV function is coming. For now, the button for this is grayed out.


This addresses bug #165 and bug #593.

βœ‰οΈ New Emails

This is one of the tasks that has been on our list for a while. We’ve written quite a few emails this week and after this update, you may periodically receive emails based on your account activity. We’ve also added in an official welcome email, explained expectations in the verification email, added in a tutorial series for new accounts, and added inactivity emails. 


πŸ†“ Free Bronze Trial

You can now claim a free 7-day trial of a Bronze account. This will show up for all current accounts if you’re not currently upgraded and for new accounts after 2 weeks. You can find this in the Ingot Store as a very obvious banner across the top. You do not need to enter a credit card in order to activate the trial. Simply click the Activate Trial button and your account will be upgraded. Please note that this can only be claimed once per account.

πŸ“ Personal Notes

You can now add personal notes under Estate -> Manage  -> Notes. No one else can see these and you can use them to keep track of whatever you need to.

πŸ“ New Community Poll

Our newest community poll focuses on what type of referral prizes everyone would like to see.

Fill out the poll!

βš’οΈ Small Tweaks

  • Item dropdowns in Mass Equip are now alphabetically ordered.
  • The news page now only has excerpts instead of the full post. This should make it easier to skim through previous posts to find details about past releases.
  • You can now find studs and broods in Breed Registries.
  • On a foal’s page, your Enter All settings now default to always enter halter shows regardless of your global settings.
  • All confirmation messages have been styled a bit more now to look more professional. ✨
  • Made login errors more obvious. Also added messaging around trying username instead of display name since that’s a common problem we receive in our support email.
  • Crossbreed campaign generation lists now include the gender. In the gen 3 list, a checkmark will appear next to a stallion or mare to show they count towards your total.

🦟 Bug Squashes

  • Bug #1067 - Fixed a typo in the Chincoteague breed registry.
  • Bug #1065 - If an item fails to transfer to another player for whatever reason, it will still be available for unequipping and go into your inventory after it’s unequipped.
  • Bug #574 - Put in a fix for people in a drastically different timezone where their browser changes the date to a different day.
  • Bug #1069 - Foals having a discipline path set should no longer affect Enter All.


Note: As we’re going through bugs, we may mark a bug as “Fixed” or “Not a Bug” if we can no longer replicate it. If this happens to you but you’re still experiencing the bug, please make a new report with some current examples.

Open Positions

We’ve got quite a few applications for our open position. If you haven’t applied yet, please do so soon as we’ll be closing applications. After we come to a decision, we will announce our newest team member so be on the watch for updates.

Next Update: June 30


Bedouin & Curly


Post Count: 403

6/23/2023 8:34 pm

I LOVE the new management page! Ty for these!


Post Count: 77

6/23/2023 9:28 pm

Thank you so much! Sounds exciting and I'm looking forward to exploring the new options. :)





Post Count: 326

6/23/2023 9:29 pm

Lesssssssss gooooo! Happily excited for more runs at shows as sometimes it was becoming tedious to see shows with 100+ horses in them.


Still cannot wait for the Explore 2.0 whenever it comes in and not only that, I'm excited for the Campaign part of the management so I can do better with that as well.


Thank you so much for this update!




Post Count: 26

6/24/2023 12:16 am

Awesome news, can't wait for the new explore to come out  and also thank you for the free bronze trial. ~ 

*Cue them darting off to put up the custom avatar they've been wanting for so long ASAP and doesn't care if the image is broken or not* 


Post Count: 42

6/24/2023 8:07 pm

OMG thank you so much for the show script updates!!!

Stellar's Jay

Post Count: 8

6/25/2023 4:14 pm

Ummm why can't I filter by breed, gender and color anymore in the herd management? Or sort AT ALL????? The rest of the herd management stuff is not worth losing those capabilities. Like I appreciate all of your hard work, but this is functionally worse.

Stellar's Jay

Post Count: 8

6/25/2023 4:17 pm

Ok so apparently the page just had some kind of issue and I can still sort things, but BOY HOWDY not being able to filter anymore sucks.

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