More quests?

CosiTheCurly [Basic || 2 posts] on 6/07/2023 5:44 pm

i have done 12 quests and no more are showing up. will more ever show up or am i just done doing quests?


Post Count: 158

6/07/2023 6:29 pm

You're at Level 5 (550/600) right? If so then that's all there is at the moment! There are extra quests to come - they're written and ready but it's a matter of having them added and going. Hopefully it's within the next month or two that there will be more! 


Post Count: 23

6/08/2023 7:14 am

Im having this problem too

But now i know why im not moving forward.
So theres no way to move forward  except to wait for the add-ons?


Post Count: 348

6/08/2023 1:08 pm

Correct. A lot of us have been stuck at level 5 (550/600) for a while now. It is a two person team running this game as well but thankfully, there is other stuff to do whilst waiting for more quests to come out.



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