
Himalaya [Basic || 62 posts] on 5/07/2023 9:15 pm

I also need treats, does anyone have them for sale?

I'm always looking for Appy or Grey American Warmbloods


Post Count: 386

5/07/2023 10:15 pm

With use of treats, balled treats ((forgot proper name)) or sweet types of treats. You can also spam petting on horses, this takes energy but I forgot how much currently, or use whistles and or lassos.


I prefer trying to get horses with mid/low angry essence ((the colored bar on the left)) and I've seen horses get pet a few times and come to player. I've seen horses reject pets and come on a sweet treat. I've seen horses reject sweet treats before too. It's all trial and error but it does help to keep a spreadsheet of what's semi preferred.



The itemed treats are Alfalfa, Oats, Molasses, Clover, Apples, Carrots. Alfalfa, Oats and Molasses are considered secondary craft items while Clover, Apples and Carrots are considered firstly. You can cook treats under the drop down menu from Accounts, then Craft Room then the Cook tab.



It's been known for a while, folks haven't been stumbling upon those items lately that isn't lassos and or whistles too.






Post Count: 12

5/08/2023 12:00 am

Petting takes 10% energy, but increases bond by 30% if successful.


Lasso doesn't increase bond, but lowers the wildness/angry scale if successful. 


If you reach higher than 70% or 75% bond, you can try to call the horse. If the horse doesn't come, you can try to call again until it comes or runs away. 

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