Changing A Horses Career

Mrs Ryans [Basic || 44 posts] on 5/04/2023 3:05 am

hi i am not sure if this something you can do but can you change the career of your horses because whenever i go to put a horse in a career it only comes up with model and not any other options that i have seen on others people's horses.

and also how do the careers work i don't know how it works except that i can make money from it


Post Count: 12

5/04/2023 10:17 am

Yes, you can change your horse's career, but in order to send it to jobs for a career other than Model horse, you need to buy the appropriate career center from Construction shop.

You can read more here: Wiki Link

Mrs Ryans

Post Count: 44

5/04/2023 5:23 pm

oh ok thanks rhodonite

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