
Himalaya [Basic || 64 posts] on 5/01/2023 5:45 pm

So Ive had an art shop on other games, and i thought id do it here as well! Im pretty sure my prices are cheap, since im just starting, but if you have pricing tips, they would be much appreciated!

You can look at comments for examples!

I dont have any examples as of yet, other than my banner, but i plan on doing banners, avatars, drawings, and possibly recolors!

I plan on doing 3 of each thing for free to get examples, and then it will cost bits.




PLEASE fill out this form the best you can, this is for avatars and banners

Type: (banner, avatar, or both)

Style/theme: (eg. night, beach, floral, ranch, autumn)

Background: (Yes or No)  if you have a specific background you want, please give me the link!

Horses: (# of horses, breed(s), and i would choose them; OR put the horse links!)

Position: Is there a certain spot you want something? If you just want me to put it where it looks best, you can leave this blank.

Extra: are there any extras you want? i will try, but no guarantees!





Banners & Avatars: 5k

No more free slots available, you can still order!

Drawings: 5-20k

#1 Spot: Taken

#2 Spot: Open

#3 Spot: Open


Recolors: 10-20k

#1 Spot: Open

#2 Spot: Open

#3 Spot: Open


If you have any questions, advice, or an order, please comment!

I'm always looking for Appy or Grey American Warmbloods


Post Count: 275

5/03/2023 9:50 pm

Could I snag an avatar if there is still a slot left?




Post Count: 64

5/04/2023 8:11 am


I'm always looking for Appy or Grey American Warmbloods

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