Missing ingots

Dark Queen [Platinum || 8 posts] on 3/13/2023 1:20 pm

Has anyone else had issues of not getting ingots after purchasing them?

Roze Moderator

Post Count: 281

3/14/2023 11:28 am

Nope I haven't had an issue. Where did you purchase them through? Did you purchase them from the game in the ingot store or did you purchase them in the Marketplace?

Dark Queen

Post Count: 8

3/16/2023 3:16 am

From the ingot store 

Roze Moderator

Post Count: 281

3/16/2023 11:06 am

If you tried to purchase ingots with real money in the ingot store, can you go ahead and and submit a bug box report so that it can be escalated to the dev? Make sure to include the date of tranasaction and what ingot package you were trying to purchase. 

Dark Queen

Post Count: 8

3/16/2023 11:51 am

Ok thanks 

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