St. Patrick's Day, New Tack, & Live Stream!

3/13/2023 9:08 am

Hello everyone! We have been working behind the scenes on a few harder-to-fix bugs but have an early week update for you today.


๐Ÿ€ St Patrick's Day!


St Patrick’s Day is just around the corner and today we are celebrating early! Now until March 19th at 11:59 EST/game time, all green and St. Patrick’s Day tack is available for purchase in the General Store. This includes the Festive Orange and Shamrock green saddle pads, green saddle pads, and rainbow saddle pads!


The locals have decided to have a bit of fun and have hid all sorts of green and orange items in the wilds. From now until the end of the month, many green, orange, and St. Patrick’s Day items can be found while exploring the site. If you want to find a quick bundle of green items, use code LuckyGreen at town hall!


โ˜˜๏ธ Lucky Green Harness!

To celebrate St. Patrick’s day we are releasing a new limited edition, Lucky Green Harness.  This harness offers a generous twin boost which increases your luck of getting twins from a breeding. Lucky Green Harnesses will be in the General Store until March 31st at 11:59 PM EST/Game time.


๐Ÿž Bug Squashes

  • Fixed western saddle pads for Paso Finos.
  • Fixed gingerbread and enchanted lake tack sets for Paso Finos.
  • Fixed several english saddle pads not showing up for Paso Finos.
  • Re-uploaded and fixed gems for Paso fino saddle pads.
  • Added rainbow english pad for light draft.
  • Adjusted layering for fog background overlays.


๐Ÿ’ป Log In Problems

We often get emails about log-in issues that require you to reset your password every time you log in. If this is happening to you be sure you are using your login name NOT your display name to log in.


๐Ÿด Live Stream

Tonight at 8 PM EST/game time I will be streaming on our Discord server working on grade horse image layers. The stream will be in the "grade image coloring" voice channel and all joins are auto-muted. Feel free to join me to help give input on new markings, chat, or just lurk!





Post Count: 10

3/13/2023 9:58 am

I'm so excited for the new tack! 


Post Count: 210

3/13/2023 12:26 pm

Awesome!  Thank you!


Post Count: 98

3/13/2023 3:54 pm

Thanks so much!


image host


Post Count: 391

3/13/2023 4:48 pm

Oh my stars in heaven. I looooove the new tack. Especially the harness!




Post Count: 996

3/13/2023 5:53 pm

Time to go spend all my money 


Post Count: 19

3/14/2023 6:22 am

Woohoo!! Need some more green tack!

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