Stop Marking Migration

Astral [Platinum || 204 posts] on 2/21/2023 3:14 pm

Is there anyway to stop the marking migration from Foals to Adults?

Example:  I got a a DWB foal with a heart marking.  When he grows up, his face becomes bald due to the Tobiano Gene.
Horse In Question

Is there anyway to stop this in the future?  I've had some SUPER awesomely marked foals that make no sense as adults markings-wise.

Mary Smith

Post Count: 105

2/21/2023 3:23 pm

It is how the tobiano in DWB works as many other horses breeds here. But i also would like some variation too. Here's a exemple of a full tobiano foal (ToTo):

When she grow up she's gonna lose these features where only her head and lower body are not painted. When she grows up she will be almost the tobiano pattern will spread until her ears. I would like to see more variation on tobianos, in RL they have many and my favourite is the one tobiano that the white pattern spread until reaches the head.

I would like to show a better exemple but i don't know If that tobiano pattern have a specific name.

EDIT : i found a better exemple:

I would breed purebreeds and grade horses just for this pattern lol (only a exemple, there's is horses that only their heads and not painted).

Edited 1 times


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Post Count: 918

2/21/2023 3:38 pm

Yeah foal markings dont really match the adult markings and I hope it is something that will eventually be implemented. I love the foal version of Tobianos more than the adult version. 


Post Count: 204

2/21/2023 8:11 pm

Yeah, I know that it's just how the art is but it would be nice if it was more varied.  I do like the variations offered, but it's annoying to have markings just disappear because adult art doesn't account for them.

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