Where is the Bank?

Hannah Faithful [Basic || 10 posts] on 2/17/2023 7:13 pm


Usually the bank is listed under Town, but I don't see it on my screen. Is this a glitch?



Hannah Faithful


Post Count: 510

2/17/2023 11:28 pm

If you click the three horizontal bars at the top right of your screen (if you're on mobile) and just click your cash, it'll take you to the bank. โค๏ธ ๐Ÿด




Post Count: 15

8/25/2023 10:22 pm

I tap my coins and it should deposit stuff


Post Count: 386

8/26/2023 12:34 am

I think in one of the updates, the Bank was removed from under Town. I do not remember which update it was though.




Post Count: 94

8/26/2023 7:43 am

Aside from tapping your bits, you can also find the bank when you click "Market" :) It's not listed under there in the options, so just click on Market and it will be first on the market page! Hope that makes sense ๐Ÿ˜…


Post Count: 746

1/03/2024 4:28 pm

Under you name click your bits๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ˜Š




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