Expiry for Shouts
Katona [Basic || 44 posts] on 2/17/2023 10:05 am
I'd like to propse the idea that shouts should expire after a set time.
There are "current" shouts that are three months old, advertising horses that have long since past. I believe there have also been instances of players quitting, but their shouts just hang on the boards forever. By their very nature, it seems like a shout should be a short lived annoucement. Since they're not prohibitively expensive, anyone wishing to keep their shout up could "renew" it.
I don't know what's fair, 1 week? 2? Would love to hear thoughts on it.
Breeding Tobiano Dutch Warmbloods | Campaigning for Georgian Grandes
Support! It should need to renew every sat.
Absolutely support!
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