Hannah Faithful [Basic || 10 posts] on 2/15/2023 7:25 pm

Hey Everybody!

Before I found this game, I was playing on Horse World Online and Noble Horse Champion. Noble Horse Champion has better pictures but isn't as fun. Horse World online is more fun than Horse Fable! (No offense).

For HWO: https://www.horseworldonline.net/r/199551

Right now NHC is down for maintenance so I can't access the referral link for ya'll.

I just joined Horse Fable today, and I like it. BTW, HWO's forum community is great! They are very kind and generous and do things to benifit others.


Hannah Faithful

Hannah Faithful

Susie Mccoy

Post Count: 24

3/18/2025 8:22 pm

I love the idea of Horse World but I wish there wasn't so many ads 


Post Count: 993

3/18/2025 9:18 pm

I have tried getting back in to NHC so many times over the years but honestly its been in what I consider an alpha state for too long. There's literally nothing to do. The finally added discipline shows but only one of my horses has any available to enter and its been weeks and it still hasnt ran. You just train horses for no reason and breed them and thats about it. The art is pretty. 


I tried getting back into HWO but the disturbingly wonky looking horses turns me off

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