Basic Tack Perks

Nichiikwe [Basic || 15 posts] on 1/23/2023 11:40 pm

I was wondering if basic tack (the pieces that don't cost ingots) have any bonuses or if it's only the ingot ones that do anything. I swear I saw something talking about this a while back, but I can't remember what was said and I'm having trouble finding it, if it did exist.

Are they just for cosmetics? Do they start off that way and gain a perk if you put gems on it?


Post Count: 97

1/24/2023 3:47 pm

I believe the basic, non-encrusted or special tack sets give a 1% boost to a horse's skill in showing, but do not include a boost to breeding or anything else. Encrusted tack gives a higher showing boost.

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