Day 11 of Giving: Here Comes Snow!

12/22/2022 10:15 am

Happy almost weekend everyone! Many in the US are preparing for extreme cold and snow. Keep safe out there everyone!


โ˜ƒ๏ธ Day 11 of Giving

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Today we throw it back to last year when we introduced Snowflake tack! This tack set sports purple-blue hues and comes in both english and western types. Snowflake tack also offers a small twin boost.

โ“ A Question

What is your holiday tradition?


Holiday Cheers,

Bedouin & Curly

Curly Admin

Post Count: 622

12/22/2022 10:49 am

Every year my holiday tradition is to make chocolate-dipped peanut butter crackers for our family gatherings. My great-aunt always made them, and after she passed, I took on the responsibility of the tradition. They are great in milk chocolate or white chocolate and can be decorated however you like. Here's a recipe if anyone would like to try it! I've considered shaking it up and using hazelnut spread inside instead but that may be a new food tradition for another holiday season. ๐Ÿ˜


Post Count: 38

12/22/2022 11:53 am

Snowball cookies! We are making them today using my great grandmother's recipe! It's basically this recipe, but we use walnuts.


Post Count: 138

12/22/2022 12:11 pm

I suppose the tradition would be to start eating at 6pm and finish at 1-2am when we have guests over holidays.

Thanks for the recipes! Might give them a try!


Post Count: 210

12/22/2022 12:21 pm

This year is hard because I don't really feel Christmas-y or anything.  Sure, the tree is up, the lights are up, but it's just not hitting the same.  It's been a really hard year for me, personally... physically, mentally, and emotionally.  I feel like such a Grinch, to be honest.

My husband and I are going to try to make some cookies this afternoon, but I really want my Mawmaw's butter cookies but my cookie press broke so I don't know how they're going to turn out without the press.  Might make some sugar cookies and try my hand at decorating them.  Normally I make fudge, too.


Post Count: 93

12/22/2022 1:24 pm

We always sit down for a Christmas movie marathon. And eat the baked good spoiles from my family and friends. Sadly I am no good in the kitchen. Hope everyone has a great holidays


Post Count: 93

12/22/2022 1:24 pm

We always sit down for a Christmas movie marathon. And eat the baked good spoiles from my family and friends. Sadly I am no good in the kitchen. Hope everyone has a great holidays


Post Count: 515

12/22/2022 1:55 pm

We pick out one ornament each a year for our christmas cactus ^^


Post Count: 9

12/22/2022 3:27 pm

Well its been a hard year honestly-not going to speficfy what,but a tradition we used to do in my family was to all meet up we dont do that anymore. Though this yeras a bit diffrently honestly- I get to see some of my family now.



I wish evreyone a merry Christmas though! (Please escuse my spelling and grammer.) 




Edited 1 times u love horses like me!!!! Yes I  like weird crossbreeds.. Looking for a nice Irish cob mare! Plz just PM me!

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