Day 9 of Giving: An Old Friend Returns

12/20/2022 9:46 am

๐ŸฆŒ Day 9 of Giving

Yesterday we met a new friend, the White Stoat, and today we are bringing back an old friend! The Reindeer Calf is available for purchase at the General Store and offers a small show boost and a nice twin boost!


โ“ A Question

What tack set do you hope to see added next?


Holiday Cheers,

Bedouin & Curly


Post Count: 27

12/20/2022 9:59 am

I'm desperate for show/ ceremonial Marwari and Arabian tack...but also Mongolian tack, circus tack, and medieval tack would be lovely!


Post Count: 71

12/20/2022 10:27 am

I'd like to see more discipline-specific tack: race saddles, dressage saddles w/ double bridles, vaulting tack w/ cavesson bridle and side reins, and maybe a hunter saddle pad (fitted saddle-shaped pad)



Post Count: 9

12/20/2022 10:38 am

Im pretty new (So I dont really know what tack there is.) Though if this dosent exsist yet I think some tack thats mushroom themed would be cute! u love horses like me!!!! Yes I  like weird crossbreeds.. Looking for a nice Irish cob mare! Plz just PM me!


Post Count: 138

12/20/2022 11:31 am

I'm only hoping for race tacks tbh!


Post Count: 210

12/20/2022 11:57 am

Discipline-specific tack!  Race set, Dressage set, sheepskin saddle pad for Hunters, maybe some bitless bridle options...

Would also be super cool to have a Farrier option with shoes for horses with poor stats or to give them a show boost for certain disciplines.


Post Count: 38

12/20/2022 11:16 pm

So Many Ideas. Emerald City: deep green and gold highlights (show boost because wizard). Deep Space: dark blues with neon blues and shiny golds. Purple Lover: lavender with deep purple highlights. I want all of these in all the tacks including pulling. I also want flower headbands as tack.


Post Count: 38

12/20/2022 11:17 pm

Also ribbons for the tails for the ponies that like to bite and kick. Also hoof polish. because.


Post Count: 98

12/21/2022 10:07 am

Thank you for the reindeer calf, I've seen them in the previewer and loved them!


Everyone above has great ideas! I'd love discipline specific tack as well. Most especially vaulting and racing. Tail ribbons and hoof polish are a fun idea as well!

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