Packages & General Store Items

11/01/2022 10:02 am

Last night some ghouls and goblins decided to have some fun and run off with all of the Halloween items and packages. We successfully captured them all and now have Halloween items and packages for sale again until midnight tonight.

Edit: Turns out they took the cauldron too, we just got that back and set it back up!


Those of you playing our forum games have until midnight tonight to submit entries! Be sure to help those in The Boo-gler game count. It'd be a shame if no one managed to get the big prize!


A Halloween treat is coming to everyone active yesterday. :)




Post Count: 218

11/01/2022 10:12 am

Thank you :') I'll be sure to make the most of it this time.

I am happily drowning in custom horses and have a lot of new projects planned :D


Post Count: 68

11/01/2022 10:18 am

I'm not good enough to solve any clues... but I can comment numbers and cross my fingers that I dont screw it up! ๐Ÿ˜…


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