Horse Listed Games

Rose or Roseatte [Basic || 8 posts] on 10/21/2022 10:55 pm

I have many horse games that I play, sometimes I don't bother to play them, and other times I do, I may freeze my accounts so that I can long breaks and never come back to them! So here's my (current) list of horse games!


(Also my username is the same for everything else on my games, the same username for everything!)


1. Noble Horse Champion (RoseTheInkDemonWolf


2. Horse World Online (RoseTheInkDemonWolf)


3. Equiverse (RoseTheInkDemonWolf)


4. Wild Horse Valley (RoseTheInkDemonWolf)


5. Horse Eden (RoseTheInkDemonWolf)


6. Hunt And Jump or HAJ (RosTheInkDemonWolf on both Mesa and Forest, Bluegrass is currently full)


7. Celestial (RoseTheInkDemonWolf)


8. Equine Passion (RoseTheInkDemonWolf)


9. Morning Dust Ranch or MDR (RoseTheInkDemonWolf)


10. Here


11. Ropin Ranch (RoseTheInkDemonWolf)


12. Indomita (RoseTheInkDemonWolf


13. Horse Phenomena (RoseTheInkDemonWolf)


14. Equine.Net (RoseTheInkDemonWolf)


15. Whiteoakstables (RoseTheInkDemonWolf)


16. Equus Nation (RoseTheInkDemonWolf)


17. SIMHorseRacing (RoseTheInkDemonWolf)


18. PonyBox (RoseTheInkDemonWolf)


19. Ravalon ((RoseTheInkDemonWolf) currently I do not know how to log in, I DID EVERYTHING!)


20. Equine Ranch: Vintage ((RoseTheInkDemonWolf) I don't know how to get my log in for this, so I deleted it as it still has my account things and everything else)


(Offsite will be edited into this! For now is the horse games!)

Wolves Of The Wild Ranch (WOFTW) | Onceler Schematic's (OS) | Thoroughbred Breeder & Racer

Jens App Mtn Horses

Post Count: 94

11/08/2022 10:29 am

I restarted my Noble Horse Champions game and cant get a horse as I have like 2k in credits .

Rose or Roseatte

Post Count: 8

11/09/2022 9:31 pm

Oh wow, I think I have 300k from not doing anything, but that's because I'm not usually active there any more, sure my horses age, I'm only there once or twice to look at everything before I disappear..


And I used to be active so much when I first found the site.. Now it's just; blah, write and ONLY write! I am currently not active here anymore too, but I still tend to the site to check on everything else, but I'm not like- gonna do anything with my horses, I've froze my account once and I'm just gonna let them age, I'm so terrible for that, but I have my own stalls to house them..


But- I was saving up money, since I almost bought out the adoption center, I'm also not selling any horses, I'm getting my money saved up from the mines and the games..

Wolves Of The Wild Ranch (WOFTW) | Onceler Schematic's (OS) | Thoroughbred Breeder & Racer

Mary Smith

Post Count: 106

11/12/2022 3:37 pm

I made accounts in Equiverse (Mary Smith) and today in Hunt And Jump (Marysmith22). Beetween the two, HAJ is being fine than EV. I'm still on level 2, near level 3, so i cannot breed horses and i don't have much to do. At least, the money can do just fine. The fact that HAJ have interresting type of achivements is great to me. So, i'm having fun.


Breeding Quality Baroque Breeds๐ŸŽ


Post Count: 3

1/17/2023 5:28 pm

do you have to pay for any of these games to play just wondering?

Mary Smith

Post Count: 106

1/17/2023 7:03 pm

No @Champs! These are free browser games but like always they have the system of Premium accounts that can have more perks.


Breeding Quality Baroque Breeds๐ŸŽ


Post Count: 3

1/18/2023 7:11 am

ok thanks


Post Count: 9

4/30/2023 12:55 am

HJ1 (Bluegrass server) I have been on since 2016; love that game. And am HelenofTroy on there. Also have accounts on Forest and Mesa. CassandraofTroy and I can't remember what the name of my Mesa server name somethingofTroy lol. Though I'm not on those two very much. I do enjoy this game, and love the artwork.

Susie Mccoy

Post Count: 24

3/13/2025 10:27 pm

Just letting you know that these aren't horse games in case you didn't know 



Number 10 - Just has the word โ€˜ Here'



Number 14 -


That's a website for people to sale horses




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