New Tack: Dyed Saddle Pads

10/02/2022 7:53 pm

Hello everyone and happy October! Let’s kick it off with something new!

๐ŸŽจ Dyed Saddle Pads

After receiving feedback on our limited saddle pad colors we decided to take that idea and run with it. Today we are launching both English and Western saddle pads in: white, grey, black, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and pink. These pad colors can be crafted by purchasing the White English Pad or White Western Pad in the General Store and crafting with a dye in the Craft Room. Note: Since black saddle pads must now be dyed, the Black English Pads have been removed from the general store.



In the very near future, you will also dye pads with dyes from the Equinox collection. We expect this to launch in the next few days. As we move forward with seasonal dyes, we will be making all seasonal dye collections available to dye halters, polos, blankets, and both english and western pads. As of now, we plan to launch a sum total of 58 dye colors in the next 2 years.


Long-term planning is no easy feat so I want to give a gigantic thank you to our mods Shokubeni and Roze for their efforts in helping to color and save tack files. In total, we have added over 10,000 new images to our assets in just a few months. Without our wonderful team, we would not have been able to achieve such an accomplishment. 


โœจ In the Future

Due to health reasons, I am having to take breaks often which slows down progress in tack, item creation, breed releases etc. Thanks to some wonderful treatments, in the coming months I am aiming to catch back up and get our releases back on schedule. This means you may be seeing more frequent art updates. We also plan to get out our heavy-duty bug zapper and whittle down the list of current bugs.


We thank you all for your patience, kindness, and help! We hope you all enjoy the new dyed pads and we look forward to posting another update soon.



Bedouin & Curly


Post Count: 70

10/02/2022 7:55 pm

Thank you! Hope you feel better soon Curly!


Post Count: 510

10/02/2022 8:13 pm

Thanks for the update and I hope you get to feeling well soon ๐Ÿ™


Post Count: 93

10/02/2022 8:47 pm

Can not wait to start crafting and hope you feel better soon


Post Count: 216

10/02/2022 8:59 pm

Thanks for the update, and I hope you have a smooth recovery Curly ๐Ÿ’œ


Post Count: 140

10/02/2022 11:38 pm

Thank you for the update! Excited about being able to dye the saddle pads! Best wishes for you to feel better soon. ^_^




Post Count: 1

10/02/2022 11:45 pm

So excited, cannot wait!


Post Count: 282

10/03/2022 12:45 am

Yay! I've been saving my dyes for this!


Post Count: 138

10/03/2022 1:45 am

Thanks for the update and get well soon!


Post Count: 4

10/03/2022 7:51 am

<3 <3 <3


Post Count: 12

10/03/2022 10:17 am

feel better soon !! thank you for the update !

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