What do the stars do/mean?
Strevale [Basic || 2 posts] on 9/16/2022 4:36 pm
I was looking though the guide for answers, but I couldn't find anything that explained the stars.
The better the horse's genetics are, the more stars it will have. I know it's more complicated than that but I can't find any documentation either.
registered pure horses will receive yellow stars - the more yellow stars, the better BV a horse has.
grade horses receive purple stars
Crossbred campaign horses have teal stars
Unregistered crossbreed get grey stars.
Thank you for the explanation on the colors! I had noticed some of the different colors but hadn't picked up on the pattern. ^_^
I don't have a single grade horse with purple stars, they've all grey stars. Any idea why? ?.?
I think purple stars are for registered/recognized crossbreeds. All my Drum Horses have purple stars.
That would make sense! Thank you!
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