Account Upgrade Question

Ria Sinclair [Basic || 13 posts] on 9/15/2022 11:00 am

I've been planning to upgrade my account, but wanted to know something before! If at some point I decide to cancel my subscription, what will happen to the acres and buildings I've bought above the Basic limit? Will they get demolished (meaning I'd lose half of their price), or just deactivated (and will activate again when I renew the subscription)?


 - my kingdom for a horse -


Post Count: 136

9/15/2022 11:16 am

When your sub runs out (if you cancel, you still get the full month of time - it just won't renew after that period) you will technically still have all the stuff you've bought, it just won't be active. If and when you subscribe again though, you will have them readily available to you! 

Ria Sinclair

Post Count: 13

9/15/2022 11:28 am

Perfect, that's what I was hoping for! Thanks 😊


 - my kingdom for a horse -

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