Zebras, Mules, Donkeys.. Zorses?
Legacy Raised [Basic || 6 posts] on 9/08/2022 9:31 pm
I was thinking about some fun ideas for future updates and while scrolling Facebook aimlessly.. I came across a picture of a zorse, and that gave me a HUGE idea. What if there was a way, that... instead just wild horses showing up, we could have zebras showing up? As well as wild burros? We could then cross breed them to our horses, and make our cross breedings, Mules, Zorses... And ofc, they can come in so many different colors, patterns, depending on what they are bred too of course...
And maybe, zebras, donkeys... they can only be bred like... once a month or something? Or like... I dont know, have a certain amount of breedings. Like you can only breed maybe 10 times? Just to make having a zebra or a donkey, more special...And of course, you can rebreed the zorse or mule since they are sterile usually. (Also HINNYS!!! Basically a mule but parental roles are reversed- for anyone who doesnt knoe about em!)
I mean, support if we can still have wild horses found, I'd be fine with this update. But if no? I don't think I want to support it.
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