World Of Ravalon - Fantasy Horse SIM
Raine [Platinum || 282 posts] on 9/06/2022 9:53 am
Ravalon just opened to the public at the end of August. It's pretty bare on content but it seems like it has a lot of potential. There is no breeding or showing, horses are fully customizeable, art is pretty, there is lore about deities, and cute dialogue in exploration. If you wanna try it out go ahead and friend me on it! I'm RaineCPG there.
... So? The site they're talking about is still active, and there's probably active HoFa players there to friend. Not sure what your point is.
There's a current bug that doesn't allow you to register or log into Ravalon on mobile. So now I have to register on my trashy and old computer 🤬
I got on on my account on mobile just fine.
I can log in perfectly fine as well...
Edited 1 times
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