Code Update & New Things!

9/05/2022 3:20 pm

Hello again everyone and welcome to today's update! We spent this weekend doing some routine maintenance and adding in a few new things!


๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Code Updates

Bedouin and I have finally had enough free time to sit down and work on a much larger project this weekend. We are back online with some backend updates complete! The backend work has taken about two days plus the downtime to get finished, ported over, and check to make sure things are running as expected. This took quite a while but is long overdue and helps keep HoFa secure and on the newest technology. It was mentioned a few weeks ago that we installed a new software to monitor lag but it didn’t give us as much insight as we needed. We decided to use a corporate software that many businesses use to monitor website usage. We’re also making some changes to the database in order to better track where the lag is coming from. 


We plan to post a bug/changes update this coming weekend. For now, having everyone on and doing the usual day-to-day will help us know if our maintenance was successful so, go wild! Eh well, not too wild, maybe just do your usual. ๐Ÿ˜›


๐Ÿ”Ž Wiki Changes

The past few weeks we have gone through most of the wiki pages and updated/condensed them. The top navigation has been changed with information being in easier to find areas. This will continue to occur for the next few weeks as we try to figure out how best to make pages easily accessible. 


 ๐ŸŒ„Background Update: Stable!

Mason decided everyone's stables needed a facelift and a more modern feel. Something about a suggestion from the capital or one of those fancy woodworking magazines inspired him to make a few changes. He has successfully updated all of the Stable Backgrounds with a fresh clean look. Background can be bought year-round at the General Store for 1,000 bits each.


๐ŸŒน New Explore Items

While wandering around the grassy plains, a few of you ran into something new! It seems the rose bushes in the west have bloomed and tossed several colorful roses toward town. These have piqued the locals’ interest and it’s been discovered roses and clover make for a nice touch of mane decor. Flowers can be added to any horse, including foals! These flowers currently don’t offer any benefit but they match quite nicely to dyed blankets, halters, and polos! Say, it’d be nice to match saddle pads to these, wouldn’t it? ๐Ÿ˜‰

NOTE: Flowers have decided to blow around a bit and are floating about your horses. These will be fixed shortly!

๐Ÿด Grade & Crossbreed Images

Another batch of Grade images is complete! Along with these grade images, we have finished adding in skewed roan and skewed dun for crossbreeds that had those layers missing. Grade images are quick to come in which means we often have a backlog of them. As of now, it is taking about 1 month to get bases done and several weeks to get white markings done. We expect to keep roughly around this schedule so grade image updates will typically occur every 2 to 4 weeks. 


๐ŸฆŸ Bug Squashes & Changes

  • Horses will now stay in club campaigns even after they retire.
  • Fixed missing crossbreed layers.
  • Fixed old mustang art showing for some markings.
  • Fixed a few assorted tack images.
  • Fixed a few broken horse images we found around the site.


Bedouin & Curly


Post Count: 975

9/05/2022 3:33 pm

I need to grab a bunch of roses for my ponies


Post Count: 386

9/05/2022 3:33 pm

Ooooo in love with the new backgrounds and the roses! Can't wait to find some roses and equip some!



Thank you guys for all of your hard work you have been doing behind the scenes.




Post Count: 37

9/05/2022 3:49 pm



Post Count: 140

9/05/2022 4:01 pm

Thank you for the update! Beautiful updated background. Excited to find some roses and try them out! ^_^




Post Count: 12

9/05/2022 4:58 pm

I'm excited for the flowers!!! The stable and grade images look great as always!


Post Count: 72

9/05/2022 5:00 pm

I love the new stable background and am excited about changes to the wiki! You might still want to add dapple and lacing as they are currently missing from the markings section :)

Edited 2 times

Rivendell Stables

Post Count: 91

9/05/2022 5:22 pm

FLOWERSSS WOOO!!! I've been hyped for those for freaking ever!



Post Count: 282

9/06/2022 12:12 am

So we can dye saddle pads now? Or is it still coming? 


Post Count: 19

9/06/2022 6:29 am

Woohoo mane decorations!!! Next... Hunter and Draft rosettes..? ๐Ÿ˜‰

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