Transport aging?
Mercury [Platinum || 9 posts] on 8/26/2022 9:46 am
Realized I had a wild horse in my transport I forgot about. Its now 5 years old but hasn't been touched. Are horses in transport supposed to age? If so, is there a way to freeze the transport tab rather than my full account?
The transport tab cannot be frozen to my knowledge, but you can create a new tab and freeze that. You can access your tabs through Estate > Manage > Tabs.
Edited 1 times
It's also important to note that wild horses don't always come at age 2 or 3! I've had one that was 7 before.
@Mewlie - There's no limit of how many horses can be frozen per tab. I have 100+ horses in my tabs and it'll freeze every single horse in the tab. :)
I'm bad at math, the horse was born 8/2 and its 8/26 now. It'd age 3 years? 2? I totally forgot they don't all come at 2 years old. I use tab freezing but wasn't sure if I could freeze transport. Its not the first time I have forgotten a horse in there.
Good to know, Roze! I thought I saw the number 15 somewhere in regards to frozen tabs, but I may just be crazy. :P
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