Change dye name to reorganize storageroom

Cydonia [Platinum || 8 posts] on 8/04/2022 6:28 pm

Super simply change, but so that you can easily see what dyes you own, have the name listed as "Dye: yellow" or "Dye (yellow)" 

That way all of the dyes are grouped together! 

Silverbell Acres


Post Count: 146

8/04/2022 7:46 pm

Support, especially when putting dyes into trades it's extra difficult to find them all. 


I would support an organization overhall for storage room items since they are all jumbled together and it can be difficult to see certain items. 

Oaken Fields

Post Count: 91

8/04/2022 9:59 pm


Dye: Yellow <-this option is the one I like best.

Could also do this for the other items

Treat: Alfalfa

Food: (uh... yeah, whatever comes out of the making of them)

Or something to that end.

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