Previewer updates - toggle encrusting on/off
Qeni [Bronze || 72 posts] on 8/02/2022 12:43 pm
First off - I really like the previewer! It's super fun to play with and you don't have to waste item uses to check which pad would look best on your horse. What I find a bit cumbersome is the long list of items due to all encrusted variations. Here's my suggestion: split the list of pads, saddles and bridles, and the gems. I imagine it could look a bit like the crafting menu, where you first select a tack item, say, a black English saddle, then with another dropdown list you could choose which gem you want added to it, for example a ruby. Then it would show you a horse with a ruby encrusted black English saddle. I imagine it would be a bit more complicated coding-wise, but it would definitely help with previewing!
Yes! There are too many options to taggle through just one list.
Moving the enrusted stones to another drop down menu would certainly help.
I like the option of toggling. But I wonder how cumbersome that would be to implement like the suggestion?
Perhaps just having two separate tabs. One for non-encrusted tack and the other for all the encrusted tack? It would still shorten both searches. Especially when you find a plain saddle (or tack) you like then you just need to find the encrusted version of that. Or just have an actual toggle button on/off that will populate the dropdown with plain tack or including all the encrusted tack.
In the future, as more tack is implemented, we will need to do something as an upgrade to our previewer. I could go with any of these options.
Personally, I prefer the idea of choosing the tack and then choosing the gem. It feels much more streamlined this way. But as for encoding all of it...??? I'm with Qeni in that area.
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