Summer Event, New Tack, And Dyeing!
Hello everyone and happy update day 2! Today is our second update for the week which includes even more new and exciting things!
Much of today's modern folklore and fairy tales can trace their origin back to Germany from Cinderella to Little Red Riding Hood. With origins in Germanic mythology, these tales often pique our interest and inspire movies, new stories, and even cosplays! To celebrate the rich history of such tales, this year's summer event is themed German Fables. Over the weekend and into the next week, we will be hosting a variety of contests in our forum inspired by some of our favorite German stories and traditions.
[Photo] Story through Photo
Tell a story using 4 photos with captions.
[Daily] Riddle Me This
Use the daily riddle to find the hidden puzzle piece.
[Daily] Breed a Foal
Each day breed a foal with the daily characteristic.
[Design] New Mutation
Design the next somatic mutation.
[Design] New Tack Set
Design a tack set that might appear in-game.
[Coloring] German Fables
Color the provided line art based on the theme of your favorite German fable
[Writing] Inspired by Aren’s Poem
Write a short story based on Aren’s newest poem.
[Writing] Inspired by a German Fable
Write a story inspired by your favorite German fable.
Draft Harnesses
After years of requesting, months of planning and coloring, draft harnesses are officially available in HoFa! Two limited-edition harnesses are now available in the General Store until July 24th at midnight EST/Game time and through explore! The harnesses are inspired by the German flag and by colors often found in fairytales. Harnesses cannot be equipped with halters, blankets, saddles, pads, or bridles but offer the same show boost as these items combined. These Limited Edition Harnesses offer a handsome twin boost as well! In the coming weeks, some year-round harnesses will be available for bit purchase.
Halters, Blankets, and Polos
It’s time to customize your herd to the nines! Halters, polos, and blankets are available in the General Store. BUT WAIT! Just buying any color you like wouldn’t be that fun. To make colored halters, polos, or blankets, you must craft them! Dyes can be found in explore and when combined with a white tack item (bought at the General Store) you will create a new item. Ex. White polos + red dye = red polos! Crafting of these colored tack pieces costs bits and the price depends on tack piece size. As a note, horses with lots of feathering cannot have polos equipped. These are Generic Draft, Drum Horse, Friesdale, Friesian, Clydesdale, Irish Cob, Welsh C, Welsh D, and Percheron. Also, foals may be equipped with halters and blankets! Look at those itty bitty blankets. So cute!!
Halters, polos, and blankets currently do not offer any show or twin boost and act purely as a cosmetic feature. We are open to adding some benefit to them should the community be open to doing so.
German Hats
It wouldn't be a German celebration without the traditional Trachtenhut, sometimes called a Tyrolean hat, which translates to “traditional costume hat.” Special thanks to our German artist, Darya, for helping us learn and create these hats! Trachtenhut hats can only be found only in explore and offer a small twin boost when equipped to your horse. These hats come in red, green, black, and grey and can be equipped to all horses, foals included!
Vega the German Shepherd!
Returning for our German themed event is Vega! Vega is Bedouins dog who is a German Shepherd with a lot of attitude and spunk! She is available for purchase in the General Store until July 24th at midnight EST/Game time.
Crafting System - Dyeing!
As mentioned above white halters, polos, and blankets can be dyed to create new colored items. Dyes are currently only found in explore and include black, grey, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink, and purple dyes. The next version of the dye system will include being able to make your own dyes from various explore items.
To create a dyed item, you can enter your Craft Room and click the Dyeing tab. Here you can create new dyed items if you have a white item (white halter, white polos, or white blanket) and a dye.
Pssst. Word around town is there are 48 more dyes coming and.. what's that? Dyed saddle pads you say?
We hope you all are having a fantastic time with all the new items and fun! Don’t forget to enter those forum contests!
Bedouin & Curly
How do you explore ?
Ahh I wondered about this - I found an orange dye and one of the harnesses in explore earlier and was very intrigued lmao! Awesome update <3
EDIT: Oh, I will make a report about this in the bug box, but I figured I'd just mention that the harnesses aren't available in the previewer currently!
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Awesome! This is so exciting. I already found some dyes yesterday so I cant wait to get to work.
Yass earlyyy, and maybe an idea: New Quests :)
New quests are in the works
Sweet! Hoping to join some of the Events in the Forums soon <3 Have fun everyone!
@Lu Luah "Currently, exploring occurs by moving around the site and waiting for random events to occur. This is version 1 of the explore system with version 2 allowing you to move around in a specified area." Extra info can be found in the HoFa wiki: Explore Features | Horse Fable Wiki!
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Woo! I've been toying with the idea of coming back, gotta say I love all the changes that happened in the last few months! The harness is awesome ๐ฅฐ
WHELP........... I think my brain is broken from all the excitment! I hope you guys know you're responsible heheheheh!
The black Friesians with white halter and polo wraps ๐ฅบ♥๏ธ♥๏ธ♥๏ธ This is some great news and updates!!!
Breeding Quality Baroque Breeds๐
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