[Photo] Story through Photo

Curly [Admin || 619 posts] on 7/14/2022 9:43 am


Storytelling has been a tradition for many cultures and dates back thousands of years. Storytelling comes in a wide variety of forms from oral, written word, and even visual! Using a set of 4 photos, tell a story inspired by your favorite German fable or German festival. Caption each photo to help tell your story. Prizes will be awarded to our top three entries. 



  1. Photos must be 100% your own.
  2. Photos must be appropriate and follow all HoFa rules and TOS.
  3. All photos must have a caption to help tell the story. Captions should be a maximum of 20 words in length.
  4. All entries must contain 4 photos.
  5. All entries should follow the theme.
  6. Entries must be submitted by July 23rd at  11:59 PM EST/game time.



1st: 3-month platinum upgrade, 2 spectral tokens, 1,000 ingots, 5 Limited-Edition German Harnesses

2nd: 3-month gold upgrade, 2 magic tokens, 500 ingots, 4 Limited-Edition German Harnesses

3rd: 3-month bronze upgrade, 2 breed coins, 250 ingots, 3 Limited-Edition German Harnesses


Post Count: 65

7/22/2022 9:39 pm
Ofelia goes to deliver fresh cookies to her grandmother, unaware that a terrible beast is following her.

Ofelia doesn't know that her grandmother has been replaced by the wolf in disguise, falling for his trap!

The wolf leaps to attack Ofelia, but a brave hunter arrives in the nick of time and attacks the beast.

Ofelia and Grandmother Android 21 are reunited as Hunter Edelgard saves the day.

This story was inspired by Little Red Riding Hood and re-created using a few of the various action figures I have.

Edited 1 times

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