[Ended] FLASH GAME! Guess the Number

Curly [Admin || 572 posts] on 7/12/2022 4:02 pm

On my computer, I have a folder that holds all of the tack layers in-game.

In this folder how many files are there?

Whoever guesses within 50 by 9 PM EST/game time tonight wins a magic token! One guess per person on Discord and this forum. If no one is correct I get to keep my coin!


No one guessed close to the total! Right now there are 15,280 tack layers on my computer. 


Post Count: 227

7/12/2022 4:27 pm



Post Count: 17

7/12/2022 4:48 pm

I'm probably way off, but by my (probably super poorly done) math I'm guessing: 3,660.


Post Count: 98

7/12/2022 4:50 pm

I'll go ahead and guess 4000

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