[Player Input] Tack Ideas

Curly [Admin || 616 posts] on 7/11/2022 2:38 pm

Hello all! As we wrap up our summer items and add the final touches for the update this weekend, I must begin the process of looking into items and tack for fall. What does that mean? Well, basically I run around the web looking for new possible tack sets, accessories, and whatever else I think you all may enjoy. Instead of using my limited time doing that I'm asking here for you all to post ideas.

So, what type of tack and accessories would you like to see? No limitations so let your mind go wild!

As others post ideas feel free to also think of colors you'd like to see each tack or accessory in. The sky is the limit and we can add just about anything. :)


Post Count: 60

7/20/2022 8:55 pm

Second the above ideas of halloween tack!

Also like realistic tack for disciplines, such as dressage saddle, racing tack ect.

Oaken Fields

Post Count: 112

7/21/2022 11:37 am

More room, huh?

Maybe a new background then? Or a background special that changes with the real seasons. Too much perhaps? ๐Ÿ˜œ

Okay, Goats. Both a single and a 'little' herd. And how about brands?

And costume tack, like a western (or english) saddle with wings. And how about the roses blanket horse's get from winning races?

And then perhaps partially customizable blankets: 'Lovely Mare' or 'Brilliant Stallion' or 'Best Horse'. The customizable words are just a list of short phrases that can be painted on like the dyes are now.

Oo... and loose lead lines. Just attach them to the halter and let them hang down or tossed across the horse's back.

Curly Admin

Post Count: 616

7/31/2022 3:47 pm

Get your last suggestions in! I'm making a list today to go over for fall and 2023 tack ideas :)

Rivendell Stables

Post Count: 91

8/02/2022 6:11 pm

1.) Candycane (christmas) tack

2.) Sleepy Hollow (halloween) tack

3.) Pumpkin Spice/Pie (halloween) tack <--- some one mentioned this b4 me but I still love this idea!

4.) Medieval Saddle Tack

5.) Feather Plume Driving Tack 

6.) Saddlepads in all the basic colors of the rainbow (red/yellow/purple etc) ---> unless this'll be part of the dyeing feature later on.

7.) Jingle Bell Driving Tack

^^ The santa style stuffs with the antlers + jingle bells. Or perhaps JUST jingle bells... You get my drift?

7.) Silk saddlepads 


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Rivendell Stables

Post Count: 91

8/02/2022 6:28 pm

oh... for some reason thought i was on time... sry V_V.....



Post Count: 60

8/03/2022 9:39 pm

One-ear western bridle (no throat latch)

New mineral: Silver....to encrust western bridles and saddles.

Curly Admin

Post Count: 616

8/04/2022 8:11 pm

Loving these ideas! Keep them coming!!

Oaken Fields

Post Count: 112

8/04/2022 10:18 pm

Half blankets, festive ones, trophy-style (I'm thinking of the half-blankets that racers sometimes wear, those trophy-style) and regulars... maybe with the option of wearing them with the saddles too.

We have regular halters... but why not rope halters? ๐Ÿ˜†

Did somebody mention bell boots? How about also shint boots, sliding boots, jumping boots and ankle boots.

Oh and then there's something like pretty bracelets to put on them like boots. ๐Ÿ˜

Also, running and standing martingales and chest plates.

... speaking of jewelry for horses:



This one is quite eye-catching:

And this one:


It'd even be neat to have breed-specific tack. I really don't care for the way this arabian looks (the following image), but it still serves the purpose. Plus, breed-specific tack would make drawing and implementing quite a bit quicker. With only one or a couple different breeds it can be put on, breed-specific tack might be quite useful, viable and quick to implementation.



And how about a full suit of armor?

๐Ÿ˜Š Okay... I think I'm out of current ideas... at least for now.


Post Count: 2

8/25/2022 12:01 pm

Sooooooooo excited to see sidesaddles forwarded as possible tack!! No horse game has EVER done sidesaddles and as someone who rides aside IRL, I AM SO HECKING EXCITED!!!!!!


Post Count: 12

8/31/2022 10:22 am

i know i am quite late, but i would love to see some hackamore bridles!

Edited 1 times

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